Digital Portfolios

We will use digital portfolios in this course primarily as a learning tool! You will document all of your initial thoughts on course material (reading “zaps”), individual research and writing processes for your final research paper, and overall learning to your digital portfolio. While it’s not required, you are highly encouraged to store class notes onto your digital portfolio (remember to click on “update” periodically if you’re doing this!)

We will learn how to create and develop our digital portfolios during class time. You may schedule office hours with Marlene Nava Ramos, the Digital Portfolio Specialist, for additional support, Thursday and Friday, 5:00PM-7:00PM. Please visit the SLU Digital Portfolios website for more resources.

Power Point Presentation

Please post your portfolio website links HERE

Visit the mock portfolio as reference:

Please register on CUNY ACADEMIC COMMONS, which is an open-source platform that allows us to develop websites, collaborate on digitalized projects, and share knowledge publicly.

Remember, your Commons profile is NOT the same as your portfolio! But you can link your portfolio website address under “Website” on your Commons profile.

You may choose to upload the mock portfolio website (emailed to you and found here!) by following the instructions below.

First, lowland the .xml file linked above. Then go to Dashboard  --> on the left-hand side bar, click on Tools --> scroll down to Import ->-> Click on Run Importer and upload the .xml file of SLU ETUDIANT (Etudiant is “Student” in French!).

CUNY Commons has dowloaded 340 plugins, which you can Activate on your site.

Activate the following 10-15 plugins to help you keep your site’s content organized and power up your design skills with minimal time and knowledge.

Do you think you need to power up site to do more? I’ve organized over 60 plugins into a Glossary! Only activate the plugins you need; TOO many plugins can slowdown your site.

Starting with Slide 19, please structure your site.

First, delete posts, pages, and categories which are not relevant to you (which were uploaded when you imported the .xml file).

Remember, most sites will have a category titled “News” or “Uncategorized” which cannot be deleted. Please edit this category and rename it “SLU Coursework.” Make sure you delete the existing SLU Coursework category first.

Then, make sure your site has following categories and pages below:

  • About Me (page)
  • Resume (page)
  • Final Essay (page)

  • SLU Coursework (category)
    • Fall 2021 (set “SLU Coursework” as the parent category)
      • LPOL301 (set “2021 Fall” as the parent category)
        • Notes (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)
        • Zaps (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)
        • Research (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)

From your Dashboard, click on Appearances, then Menus.

It is highly likely we change this menu structure midway through the semester, but it’s very important your categorize your posts and pages.

You will notice pages and categories that you recently deleted are red. Please remove these by clicking on the drop down arrow, and clicking “remove”.

Organize your menu in the following way. Remember, you might have to re-add “SLU Coursework”

  • About Me (page)
  • Resume (page)
  • SLU Coursework (category)
    • Fall 2021 (set “SLU Coursework” as the parent category)
      • LPOL301 (set “2021 Fall” as the parent category)
        • Notes (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)
        • Zaps (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)
        • Research (set “LPOL301” as the parent category)
        • Final Essay (page)

I have selected 14 possible themes and outlined their pros and cons (post forthcoming). Select a theme compatible to Block Editor by typing “Block” under the search engine.

Consider a theme that is “Full Width” (no empty sidebar areas), has fixed site identity (title, tagline, menu), and keeps things simple!

Which Theme is Best for Me?

You can create content using Posts and Pages. The major difference between the two is their presentation: Posts include post date and author and can be categorized, pages do not. You can categorize pages but you must activate the Add Categories to Pages plugin.

Also, you can create and edit your Posts and Pages using Block Editor or Classic Editor. Please use Block Editor. Consider watching this video tutorial:

If you have time, using slide 30, please create your “About Me” page. Otherwise come back to this page at a later point! Write a quick blurb of where you come from, where you are now, and where you hope to be in the future. Consider sharing what makes you excited about New York City.

You can post your resume in one of three ways. I highly recommend the first two options. Resources from the Career and Development Office are forthcoming!

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